Alla scoperta delle classiche ascensioni delle alpi
Are you a hiker and are you tired of the usual trail or snowshoe excursion?
Are you a mountaineer, but don't feel quite ready to attempt all of your desired routes on your own yet?
Do you want to try something more difficult but would feel more comfortable with some more additional training?
We will tackle ridges, channels, rock and snow walls with the short rope progression technique.
In ancient times, it was safer for a group of ships to travel together, at the same speed, in a convoy.
In mountaineering, when the terrain becomes less steep but more rugged, climbing by rope pitches proves complicated and dangerous.
Some examples for when to best utilize a short rope: easy but difficult-to-protect traverses, excessive friction of the rope, possibility of moving stones, poor visibility of the terrain, climbing during the risk of experiencing communication difficulties, need for constant climbing (on the crest or on snow and ice slopes), or during a need to speed up climbing.
Learn various techniques that will allow you to climb at a constant, safe, and fast pace. .
Check out our common locations
Various Durations: single day to multiday courses
Fluctuations based on the itinerary chosen

Join a maximum of two people per Alpine Guide on the itinerary you wish to climb, while prioritizing fun but still remembering that there are natural dangers to the mountain, which a mountain guide helps minimize.

Prerequisite Skills
Depending on the itinerary chosen: no particular technical ability is required other than a little walking training besides being capable of climbing as a second

Easy – Medium (depending on the itinerary chosen)

Low – Medium (depending on the itinerary chosen)
Milano Adventure reserves the right to vary the program according to the meteorological and snow-meteorological conditions as well as the technical and physical abilities of the participants in order to guarantee safety and ensure the most beneficial progression of the course and learning new material.
Ricordiamo inoltre che oltre alle data proposte è possibile richiedere direttamente alle nostre guide di programmare l’uscita nelle giornate che più preferite. faremo del nostro meglio per soddisfare la vostra richiesta!