Climbing on icefalls means entering a unique, solitary dimension of the mountain. Ice climbing is an activity where you experience large emotions in an unique environment that only the cold of winter can create.
This course is for those who want to participate in this magical activity. Ice climbing is not as crazy as it might seems. It provides the feeling of entering an enchanted world, an emotion that only those who have experienced it can understand.
We will teach you the following: learning the use of tools, acquiring the ice climbing technique, safety and management of the roped team.
Learning Topics
Day 1
Introduction to the course, materials, use of tools (ice axes: placement and swing, extraction of the ice axe, and use of crampons), top rope climbing (fundamental progression technique and basic positions), use of climbing devices manual braking (bucket) -
Day 2
Rop rope climbing (climbing technique, fundamental progression and fundamental positions; basic triangle progression and bolting/extraction of protections), use of manual braking tools (bucket) -
Day 3
Top rope climbing (triangle progression climbing technique and variants), belays (building a belay, self-belaying at the belay), independent repelling (on abalakov) -
Day 4
Climbing as second on a multi-pitch route, progression of the climbing team (arrival at the belay, belay from above, departure from the belay station), independent repelling (on abalakov)
February Valley
X-ICE Ceresole Reale
Val Malenco
4 Days

Acquire the basic techniques to consciously and safely tackle a multi-pitch icefall

Prerequisite Skills
None. Suitable for everyone


Milano Adventure reserves the right to vary the program according to the meteorological and snow-meteorological conditions as well as the technical and physical abilities of the participants in order to guarantee safety and ensure the most beneficial progression of the course and learning new material.
Ricordiamo inoltre che oltre alle data proposte è possibile richiedere direttamente alle nostre guide di programmare l’uscita nelle giornate che più preferite. faremo del nostro meglio per soddisfare la vostra richiesta!