The great mountaineers of the past traveled around the Alps with their bicycles. why not do it too?
What we call E-bike mountaineering is nothing other than using a battery-powered motorized bicycle as a means of transport while traveling through the mountains.
The bicycle is the healthiest means of transport for mind and body.
That the e-bike, an electric bike is an assisted bike that is very popular at the moment around the world.
They are the latest generation bicycles, which are equipped with an electric motor that assists in pedaling.
Why an e-bike?
Because going on foot would be too long and with if we used a typical muscle bike, we wouldn't be able of carrying our backpack on our shoulders with everything we need to go to the mountains.
The e-bike is the perfect compromise for an environmentally favorable approach.
By making pedaling easier, the cyclist is "helped" while pedaling, which helps you the opportunity to enjoy an experience that is suitable for everyone!
On request, or consult our upcoming activities
Various Durations: single day to multiday courses
depending on the desired itinerary

Experiencing the passion for the mountains in an alternative way: through the bicycle, which makes it the symbol of "ecological traveling."
Combine the passion for the mountains with that of cycling, climb in the Alps including both mountaineering and classic climbing.

Prerequisite Skills
A fair amount of aerobic training is required


Milano Adventure reserves the right to vary the program according to the meteorological and snow-meteorological conditions as well as the technical and physical abilities of the participants in order to guarantee safety and ensure the most beneficial progression of the course and learning new material.
Ricordiamo inoltre che oltre alle data proposte è possibile richiedere direttamente alle nostre guide di programmare l’uscita nelle giornate che più preferite. faremo del nostro meglio per soddisfare la vostra richiesta!